Friday, May 02, 2008

2 Year Anniversary


Insane Mama said...

2 year anniversary for what?

Lillian said...

Well, you kinda have to go back to the beginning of this blog. Basically, the house burned down. (I love the look on people's faces when I say that.)

Insane Mama said...

I did kinda drop my jaw a bit

Anonymous said...

I just love that your house has its own blog

jenn neslen said...

we drove by the house just the other day. we were up for new year's. it looked so beautiful. i was so happy for you that it fit well in the neighborhood as less of a reminder of the tragedy. (not that you could ever forget.) have been thinking of you all.

Marlee said...

Congrats on the two years! The house looks great you must all be so proud!