Thursday, July 26, 2007


These photos are from yesterday. Somebody who will remain unnamed forgot to post them up here and went to bed early.

We were informed that the rest of the windows would go in today, and there are two more windows in as of this evening. Maybe we'll just be wrapping the rest in plastic wrap?

I call a race! Which will be finished first? The house or the chicken coop? Taking bets until Friday evening.


Alyson said...

OK srsly, it's been almost a month since the last post. I know they've gone beyond the windows. Must! See! What can you show us?

Anonymous said...

We also had a house fire.

I'm also a single Mom, three kids- and we're homeschoolers. And you're not crazy. It has strangely been a mostly positive experience. As you said we got out, no one was hurt, and stuff is just stuff.

We got back into our rebuilt house (our fire was smaller than yours) about ten months after the fire.

Best of luck to your family. I know it feels like it's taking forever.

Danby NY
(yes, two of us joined the fire department)