The furnace is officially in, and the only difference from the picture is it has a door on the front, a bottom stand, and a top cap. Also the return air ducts are cut out and part of the duct work is in. It should be finished this week - we hope.
The roof will have the last shingles on the back put on tomorrow, and then it will be finished. This is the first "finished" thing on the house and is very exciting.
The windows should be here and installed this week. The doors are ordered. The bathtubs and shower fixtures will be ordered this week. When the doors are installed and we can lock the house, the electricity will go in. This will probably happen while we are in Costa Rica, but we will go over all this with the electrician before we leave. We are working on the plans for the kitchen layout of cupboards and drawers.
Our good neighbor Nancy has offered to water the yard while we are gone. I don't know what we would do without her.