Tuesday, May 08, 2007

A little update II: The return of the update

From my mom:

Dad got his stitches out this morning. Yea! Now he can have a shower, poor man. Robert told us that David has the largest, strongest deltoid muscle in his shoulder he has ever seen during an operation. But he tore all four of the muscles off the rotator cuff in his left shoulder. He will spend another week and a half in the brace and then begin therapy exercises.

Lady is not doing well today. She doesn't have much energy and is just lying around. The only thing she has eaten all day is a piece of steak Duncan didn't want. Her breathing is beginning to be a little labored also. When she barks out the window at other dogs going by she tends to choke a little.

At the house the rough plumbing will be finished by tonight. The inspection is supposed to be Thursday. If we pass inspection the basement floor will be poured Friday.

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