Saturday, May 26, 2007

Framing progress: Week 1

Apparently there have not been enough photos posted on this blog of the framing progress. We here at blog central apologize for this serious oversight and vow to harass the lady with the camera daily until she hands them over. Helps when you all call and do that for me, too. Otherwise she spends all her spare time coaxing the dog to eat chicken that she has carefully cooked and warmed in the microwave.

Meanwhile, back at the house:
The driveway is now completely filled with lumber. They can't even get the crane in to lift the lumber there is so much lumber! Lumber! So much of it! If lumber were liquid we could say that it filleth the driveway to overflowing with lumber!

It doesn't quite fill the basement yet, but they're supposedly working on it. Except this weekend, because the entire population of Salt Lake has gone somewhere else for the holiday. I know because half the population of Salt Lake County was on the freeway with me yesterday as I crept along I-15 at 10 MPH all the way through both Davis and Weber Counties. I have it on good authority that the other half of the population was on I-15 headed southbound. I kept checking the radio for news reports of an impending hurricane.

Framing! It's about framing, people. There was no hurricane.

My kids and I got to witness an apartment building burning down when we were in Ogden earlier this week. It was very sad. 20 families lost everything in that fire. Another new friend from the MOMS Club had a fire in her kitchen on Mother's Day, and has been sleeping 3 hours at a time, twice a day, in an attempt to get her home back to normal. Who needs hurricanes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who had a fire in their kitchen? Email me,