Thursday, March 22, 2007

Footings done


My mom has been taking a photo from the same spot every day, so we can go back and see the progress later. This is today's progress photo.


Apparently there was a little accident with "Scoop" yesterday (for those of you who have never been forced to watch Bob the Builder, that's the name of the backhoe.) The driver accidentally broke the sewer line, which then got covered up. He had to fess up to it this morning, and the whole thing was uncovered and repaired before the concrete people arrived.


They had to set up in the driveway because the house is set so far back from the street. Back when it was originally built, it had to be 300 feet in from the street. Since the front porch is staying, the new house will be the same distance back, but will extend farther into the back yard because new code requires more room between the house and the property line on each side. This means the neighbors will eventually be just a tad less likely to hear my kids fighting over who gets to use the computer next.


Our adorable little neighbor, Jude, was absolutely enthralled by the concrete-pouring experience. My mom says he was so excited he barely breathed the entire time.



They'll be back in the morning to start putting up the forms for the foundation.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Footings, Day 2

Yesterday: Now you see it...

Day 1

Today: Now you can't even find the driveway!
Day 2

And we're supposed to put the house... where?

I have to toss in a few more photos from yesterday, courtesy the secondary photographer, Hunter. He's 12 and is having fun with the kids' new digital camera. He's not a bad photographer, either. *brag*

Boys like heavy machinery, right? (Nice framing, Hunter.)

But see, he knows the value of a close-up. I think this one adds a nice human aspect to the whole heavy machinery thing.

Action shot!

I think this one is a still life. ;)

Thanks, Hunter!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Ta da!

It begins.


They really started building the house today! By the end of the day we have this report:


Footings about half dug.


Forms about a fourth put in place.


Large chunk of patio concrete carted away! The reports that they may have actually poured concrete for the footings were just wild rumors. Oh well.



Wednesday, March 14, 2007

No princesses allowed!

Mud Shoveling 21
Goldilocks was banished for a few weeks more. Poor kid. She's just too good at getting her petticoats all muddy.

SnowShoveling (2) Mud Shoveling 10
Spring snow and rain produce mud, and we've had a lot of it! For a few weeks now the goal has been to dry out the property so the footings can be put in, and the weather has not cooperated. My parents spent hours and hours and hours and... well, a lot of mud-filled hours, shoveling snow and vacuuming out water and mud off a huge tarp that they made to fit the footprint of the house.

Mud Shoveling 03 Mud Shoveling 20
My kids and Ben & Carrie's kids went and helped a few times.

Mud Shoveling 13 Mud Shoveling 12
Their favorite part was dumping the muddy water down the driveway.

Mud Shoveling 18 Mud Shoveling 08
Hunter got so muddy that his shoes were soaked through. He wanted to throw away his socks, but I assured him they could be washed. I've seen worse.

Mud Shoveling 16 Mud Shoveling 23
It was hard work, and some water still leaked under the tarp (water is good at doing that sort of thing) but it saved a lot more from soaking in to the ground where it would just make more mud and further delay construction.

Delays=bad. Exercise=good. Arthritis=bad. Someone needs to tell my parents they are old. They won't believe you, but it will give them an opportunity to explain why their knees hurt. My knees hurt, too, but I can't use that excuse with them around.

Mud Shoveling 06
Finally the weather has dried up enough that Dennis says he may be able to put in the footings tomorrow - Thursday, March 15th. No one is holding their breath, but we're all still hoping.