Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Goldilocks construction, part 1

One cloudy, frigid morning, Goldilocks skipped up to the construction site and gazed at the earth. She jumped up and down, trying to make even a small dent in the soil, but made nary a footprint.

"This ground is too hard!" she exclaimed, then broke off an icicle and skipped away. On her way down the drive, Goldilocks slipped on some ice and fell. Mother would not be pleased with the rip in her new wool stockings!

Mother made Goldilocks stay inside the next day and darn her stockings.

The next morning, Goldilocks carefully picked her way through the puddles to the construction site and gazed at the mud.

"This ground is too soft!" she exclaimed, and sloshed away. By the time she got home her shoes, stockings, and even the hem of her skirt were covered in gooey mud. Mother was not happy about that!

Mother made Goldilocks stay inside and wash her shoes, stockings, and dress. It took a few days weeks for everything to dry out.

(To be continued...)

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