Sunday, May 21, 2006

Day 19

1:40 p.m.
Thank you MOMS!
The MOMS Club of Salt Lake has been taking care of us this week. They've fed us very well, and even sent over a load of kitchen and bath items. Thank you so much!

My parents have both lost weight in the past 19 days. This has to be the extreme method of dieting and decluttering combined. Still, I think I've gained weight, and Drew has twice as many clothes as she used to. No fair!


Anonymous said...

OK it has been a long time since an update--not a bad thing, I assume that means that you guys are settling into a routine and that there is little about the fire left to tell. So I hope that no news is good news, and that everything is fine or else you'd be telling us it isn't. :)

Lillian said...

You're right! Thanks for the reminder. :)