Tuesday, January 30, 2007

First things

This is from an email my mom sent to all us kids:

So far the main things getting done on the new house are being done by Dad and me. This is sooooo sloooow. With some help from Hunter, Sylvia and Rob we have shoveled all the snow from the basement, and Dad rented a jack hammer and removed the remaining concrete floor in the corners by the porch. Dad and I spent several hours this morning chipping out the ice where the ground has thawed and puddles had formed. Tomorrow we will go and find where the cleanout opening is in the driveway for the sewer for our contractor. (Not to put him in, but so he can hook into the sewer as they put in the foundation and hook up the sewer again.) But we did find out that the insurance will pay for the storage units through April, just like they are doing for the rent. When May comes we will have to empty at least three of the storage units to be able to afford to live and pay rent on them and the house also.

I am putting up a sign in front of the house which says:


Now we just have to make it rise.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Let the building begin!

We have a contractor! Dennis Gunn of Gunn Construction has agreed to build the house, and has pulled the permit from the city. He is getting people and things lined up, and will start as soon as the weather permits.